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Black Sticky Marks On Carpet? (5 Solutions)

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Ever noticed those mysterious black sticky marks on your carpet? 

These pesky stains can pop up out of nowhere and really mess with your carpet’s look.

But here’s the good news: you should be able to remove them quite easily.

In this post, I’ll show you how to figure out what these marks are and where they came from, and give you five solutions to get rid of these black sticky marks on carpets.

What Are Those Sticky Black Marks On Your Carpet?

Typical Living Room Carpet With Feet Resting On Carpet Clean

Those black stick marks on your carpet could come from a bunch of different places.

Some of the most common ones are:

  • Felt pads under furniture legs breaking down over time
  • Dropped gum or stickers left on the carpet
  • Oil, and grease stains
  • Dried juice or food
  • Shoe scuffs
  • Pet-related messes
  • Mold or mildew

Before you roll up your sleeves and start cleaning, you need to take a moment and figure out what kind of stain you’re dealing with. 

Give it a gentle touch – does it feel gummy, oily, or hard?

Look around for clues, like nearby furniture or evidence of recent spills. 

Also Read: Lysol on carpets

If you spot a bit of sparkle, you might be looking at leftover slime or playdough from the kids. 

Where you find the stain can tell you a lot too. Marks near doors are often from shoes, while spots under furniture could be from those disintegrating felt pads I mentioned earlier. 

Knowing what you’re up against will help you pick the best way to clean it up.

How To Remove Black Sticky Marks On Carpets

Now let’s get down to business. Here are five ways to clean those black marks on your carpet. 

Each method works a bit differently, so pick the one that seems right for your situation.

#1 Use Some Oil

I know it sounds weird, but oil can actually help with some sticky stains. 

This works great for stuff like leftover adhesive or chewing gum. 

Just grab some cooking oil – olive or sunflower oil will do – and put a little bit right on the sticky spot. Use a clean cloth to work it into the stain gently. 

The oil will help break down the sticky stuff and make it easier to remove.

Once it’s softened up, use another clean, dry cloth to blot it away. 

Just be careful not to use too much oil, or you might end up with a new stain!

Also Read: How To Remove Christmas Tree Stains From Carpet

#2 Wipe With Water

Sometimes just wiping the black sticky mark on your carpet with water will work.

This is especially true for fresh stains or ones that dissolve in water. 

Get a clean, white cotton towel and dampen it with cold water. Make sure it’s not soaking wet – you don’t want to flood your carpet. Then, use wide, sweeping motions to wipe the stained area. 

Don’t scrub too hard, or you might damage the carpet fibers or spread the stain around. Just use gentle pressure and keep wiping. 

After you’re done, cover the spot with a slightly damp towel while it dries..

#3 Vinegar Solution

Vinegar isn’t just for salad dressing – it’s a great natural cleaner too!

It is pretty great for cleaning all sorts of things, including carpet stains.

Create a solution by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. Apply this mixture to a clean cloth and gently dab the stained area.

The vinegar helps break down the sticky stuff and even disinfects your carpet. 

After that, rinse the area with clean water to get rid of the vinegar smell and any leftover residue.

This method works really well for organic stains (like dirt, grime, mold etc..) and some sticky stuff left behind by adhesives.

#4 Baking Soda Or Degreaser

If you’re dealing with oily or greasy black sticky marks, baking soda or a degreaser can help. 

If using baking soda, sprinkle a generous amount over the stain and let it sit for several hours or overnight. It’ll soak up the oil and any smells. Then, vacuum it up. 

If the stain is really tough, you might need to use a commercial degreaser. 

Just follow the instructions on the bottle and work it gently into the stain. 

DO test any cleaning product on a hidden spot first to make sure it won’t mess up your carpet.

#5 Commercial Cleaners

If the home remedies just aren’t cutting it, it might be time to try some specialized carpet cleaners from the store.

Look for products that are made specifically for sticky or oily stains.

There are all sorts of options out there, like Resolve, Woolite  or citrus-based gels for chewing gum, and even special removers for sticky residues.

A lot of these cleaners have enzymes or powerful solvents that can break down tough residues.

Remember, always make sure to follow the instructions on these carefully.

Using too much can sometimes damage your carpet or change its color. 

Wrapping Up

Top Down Photo Of Couple Laying On Clean Carpet

Dealing with black sticky marks on carpets can be tough, but you can usually get rid of them. 

Start by figuring out what kind of stain you’re dealing with, then pick the cleaning method that makes the most sense. You should be able to handle a lot of black sticky marks on your own. 

But sometimes you might need to bring in the big guns. 

If you’ve tried a bunch of different solutions and nothing’s working, or if the stain is really big, it might be time to call in a pro. 

Professional carpet cleaners have access to some pretty powerful products and special equipment that can tackle even the toughest stains. 

Our Blogging Expert

Hello, I’m Allen Noroozi from Hi Tech Steamer. Growing up in Almaden Valley, San Jose, I founded Hi Tech Steamer in 2005, and we’ve proudly earned high ratings for our exceptional cleaning services.
