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Can I Use Laundry Soap In My Carpet Cleaner?

Ever wondered if you can toss some laundry soap into your carpet cleaner? 

You’re not alone! Many people are curious about mixing up their cleaning routines, especially when it comes to tackling those stubborn stains.

In this post, I’ll explain if you can use laundry soap in my carpet cleaner in detail.

Can You Use Laundry Soap In Carpet Cleaner

Using laundry detergent in your carpet cleaner is generally not recommended.

Laundry detergents are specifically formulated for washing machines and clothes. They contain different chemicals and enzymes designed to break down organic stains and odors typically found on clothing.

Carpet fibers and the dirt they collect are often quite different.

Plus, carpet cleaning machines work differently from washing machines, using a combination of hot water extraction and suction rather than agitation and spinning.

Also Read: Black Sticky Marks On Carpet

Let me explain why laundry soap and carpet cleaners don’t mix well:


One of the main issues with using laundry soap in a carpet cleaner is the excessive suds it produces.

Laundry detergents are formulated to create a lot of foam in washing machines, which helps to lift dirt from clothes. That’s great for clothes, but not so much for your carpet cleaner.

All those bubbles can overflow from the machine and make a big mess. It can even end up damaging your carpet cleaner.

Plus, it’s super hard to rinse out all that soap, so you end up with leftover suds in your carpet.


Now, think about how your clothes smell all nice and fresh after washing. That’s because laundry soap leaves behind some scent and sometimes even stuff to make your clothes look brighter. 

But on your carpet? That just turns into sticky gunk. 

Your carpet ends up feeling weird when you walk on it, and it actually gets dirty faster because all that leftover stuff attracts more dirt. 

Over time, it can even change how your carpet looks and feels.

Also Read: Can You Use Lysol On Carpets?

Type Of Carpet

The kind of carpet you have matters too.

If you’ve got fancy natural fiber carpets like wool or silk, they’re pretty delicate. These are particularly sensitive to alkaline substances, which most laundry detergents are.

Using laundry soap could lead to fiber damage, color bleeding, or shrinkage.

Synthetic carpets are tougher and resistant to chemical damage, but they are still prone to all the other problems we talked about.

What To Use Instead Of Laundry Soap?

A Large Living Room During The Cleaning Process With Cleaning Marks On The Carpet Showing Results After The Initial Cleaning

Okay, so laundry soap is out. But don’t worry – you’ve got options! Here are some better ways to clean your carpet:

Commercial Carpet Cleaning Solutions

The easiest thing to do is grab a cleaner that’s made just for carpets. These are designed to clean your carpet without making a ton of foam or leaving behind gross residue. 

They usually come super concentrated, so make sure you mix them right.

These solutions often contain a balanced mix of surfactants (for cleaning), enzymes (for breaking down organic stains), and pH balancers (to protect carpet fibers). 

Many also include anti-resoiling agents to help your carpet stay cleaner for longer.

White Vinegar

If you want to go natural, white vinegar is pretty awesome. 

Vinegar works well because its acidity helps to break down many types of stains and neutralize odors. It’s particularly effective on water-soluble stains like coffee or wine. 

The acetic acid in vinegar can also help to brighten colors and remove soap residue from previous cleanings. 

Just don’t use it on natural fiber carpets!

Also Read: Why Vacuum Before Carpet Cleaning Is Important?

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another handy thing you probably have in your kitchen.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) works in two ways:

  1. As a mild abrasive, it can help to loosen dirt particles from carpet fibers.
  2. Its alkaline nature helps to neutralize acidic odors, making it great for deodorizing.

To use it, mix a quarter cup of baking soda with a quart of warm water in your carpet cleaner. It’s gentle and won’t leave any yucky stuff behind.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Got a really tough stain? Try mixing equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. 

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent, which means it can break down the chemical bonds in many types of stains. 

It’s particularly effective on organic stains like blood, wine, or pet accidents. The oxygen it releases also helps to kill bacteria and deodorize.

For colored carpets, always dilute the hydrogen peroxide and test in an inconspicuous area first.

Bottom Line

When you’ve got a stain, you want to clean it up fast, and laundry soap seems like an easy fix. But trust me, it’s not worth the risk. 

You could end up with a big sudsy mess, leftover gunk in your carpet, or even damage your carpet or cleaning machine.

Instead, grab a proper carpet cleaner or try one of those natural options we talked about. They’re safer for your carpet, they actually work better, and they’re less likely to cause problems.

Black Sticky Marks On Carpet? (5 Solutions)

Ever noticed those mysterious black sticky marks on your carpet? 

These pesky stains can pop up out of nowhere and really mess with your carpet’s look.

But here’s the good news: you should be able to remove them quite easily.

In this post, I’ll show you how to figure out what these marks are and where they came from, and give you five solutions to get rid of these black sticky marks on carpets.

What Are Those Sticky Black Marks On Your Carpet?

Typical Living Room Carpet With Feet Resting On Carpet Clean

Those black stick marks on your carpet could come from a bunch of different places.

Some of the most common ones are:

  • Felt pads under furniture legs breaking down over time
  • Dropped gum or stickers left on the carpet
  • Oil, and grease stains
  • Dried juice or food
  • Shoe scuffs
  • Pet-related messes
  • Mold or mildew

Before you roll up your sleeves and start cleaning, you need to take a moment and figure out what kind of stain you’re dealing with. 

Give it a gentle touch – does it feel gummy, oily, or hard?

Look around for clues, like nearby furniture or evidence of recent spills. 

Also Read: Lysol on carpets

If you spot a bit of sparkle, you might be looking at leftover slime or playdough from the kids. 

Where you find the stain can tell you a lot too. Marks near doors are often from shoes, while spots under furniture could be from those disintegrating felt pads I mentioned earlier. 

Knowing what you’re up against will help you pick the best way to clean it up.

How To Remove Black Sticky Marks On Carpets

Now let’s get down to business. Here are five ways to clean those black marks on your carpet. 

Each method works a bit differently, so pick the one that seems right for your situation.

#1 Use Some Oil

I know it sounds weird, but oil can actually help with some sticky stains. 

This works great for stuff like leftover adhesive or chewing gum. 

Just grab some cooking oil – olive or sunflower oil will do – and put a little bit right on the sticky spot. Use a clean cloth to work it into the stain gently. 

The oil will help break down the sticky stuff and make it easier to remove.

Once it’s softened up, use another clean, dry cloth to blot it away. 

Just be careful not to use too much oil, or you might end up with a new stain!

Also Read: How To Remove Christmas Tree Stains From Carpet

#2 Wipe With Water

Sometimes just wiping the black sticky mark on your carpet with water will work.

This is especially true for fresh stains or ones that dissolve in water. 

Get a clean, white cotton towel and dampen it with cold water. Make sure it’s not soaking wet – you don’t want to flood your carpet. Then, use wide, sweeping motions to wipe the stained area. 

Don’t scrub too hard, or you might damage the carpet fibers or spread the stain around. Just use gentle pressure and keep wiping. 

After you’re done, cover the spot with a slightly damp towel while it dries..

#3 Vinegar Solution

Vinegar isn’t just for salad dressing – it’s a great natural cleaner too!

It is pretty great for cleaning all sorts of things, including carpet stains.

Create a solution by mixing equal parts white vinegar and water. Apply this mixture to a clean cloth and gently dab the stained area.

The vinegar helps break down the sticky stuff and even disinfects your carpet. 

After that, rinse the area with clean water to get rid of the vinegar smell and any leftover residue.

This method works really well for organic stains (like dirt, grime, mold etc..) and some sticky stuff left behind by adhesives.

#4 Baking Soda Or Degreaser

If you’re dealing with oily or greasy black sticky marks, baking soda or a degreaser can help. 

If using baking soda, sprinkle a generous amount over the stain and let it sit for several hours or overnight. It’ll soak up the oil and any smells. Then, vacuum it up. 

If the stain is really tough, you might need to use a commercial degreaser. 

Just follow the instructions on the bottle and work it gently into the stain. 

DO test any cleaning product on a hidden spot first to make sure it won’t mess up your carpet.

#5 Commercial Cleaners

If the home remedies just aren’t cutting it, it might be time to try some specialized carpet cleaners from the store.

Look for products that are made specifically for sticky or oily stains.

There are all sorts of options out there, like Resolve, Woolite  or citrus-based gels for chewing gum, and even special removers for sticky residues.

A lot of these cleaners have enzymes or powerful solvents that can break down tough residues.

Remember, always make sure to follow the instructions on these carefully.

Using too much can sometimes damage your carpet or change its color. 

Wrapping Up

Top Down Photo Of Couple Laying On Clean Carpet

Dealing with black sticky marks on carpets can be tough, but you can usually get rid of them. 

Start by figuring out what kind of stain you’re dealing with, then pick the cleaning method that makes the most sense. You should be able to handle a lot of black sticky marks on your own. 

But sometimes you might need to bring in the big guns. 

If you’ve tried a bunch of different solutions and nothing’s working, or if the stain is really big, it might be time to call in a pro. 

Professional carpet cleaners have access to some pretty powerful products and special equipment that can tackle even the toughest stains. 

Can You Use Lysol On Carpets? (Solved)

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can use Lysol to disinfect your carpets, you’re not alone. 

It’s a pretty common question, and it makes sense why people ask. Lysol is great for cleaning lots of things around the house, so why not carpets, right? 

Well, it’s not quite that straightforward.

You can use Lysol on carpets, but there are some risks to both the carpet and your family. 

Because of these risks, we don’t recommend using Lysol.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at whether using Lysol on carpets is a good idea or not. And I’ll also share a few alternatives.

Can You Spray Lysol On Carpets?

Technically, yes, you can. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. 

Lysol, especially the All-Purpose Cleaner, is really good at killing germs and bacteria on hard surfaces. However, carpets are a different story.

Carpets soak up whatever you put on them. Lysol, with its mix of chemicals including bleach, isn’t made for use on carpets.

Yes it will kill the germs, but it could also cause some serious problems.

Most carpet manufacturers and cleaning experts including us don’t recommend using it.

Also Read: How to Fix A Scorched Carpet?

Risks Of Using Lysol On Carpet

Close Up Of Carpet Fibers

Let me go over the three biggest risks of using Lysol on carpets: 

#1 Can Damage The Carpet

Lysol can be pretty harsh on your carpets. It’s got bleach in it, which is not exactly carpet-friendly.

Bleach can break down the dyes that give your carpet its color. You might end up with faded patches that make your carpet look uneven.

Those harsh chemicals in Lysol can also weaken the fibers of your carpet. 

Over time, your once-fluffy carpet might start looking thin, frayed, or even bald in spots.

#2 Can Leave A Chemical Residue

Lysol will also leave behind a chemical residue on your carpets.

Unlike your kitchen counter, you can’t just wipe Lysol off a carpet. Carpets tend to hold onto everything you put on them, including chemicals. 

Even if you rinse thoroughly, some of these chemicals can stay trapped in the fibers.

This residue can keep releasing fumes for some time, and it might also attract dirt and dust like a magnet, and make your carpet look dirtier faster.

#3 Harmful To Humans And Pets

Lysol on carpets could be bad for you, your family, and your furry friends too.

That chemical residue we talked about? Yeah, it can cause some real problems, especially if you’re exposed to it for a long time.

For humans, this can mean skin irritation or respiratory issues from breathing in the fumes.

But our pets? They’ve got it even worse. 

Also Read: Tips For Pet Urine Odor Removal From Carpet

They’re down there on the carpet all the time, licking their paws and rolling around. 

There have been a lot of cases where dogs got itchy skin (that lasted for weeks!) from being around carpets cleaned with harsh chemicals.

Lysol Alternatives To Disinfect Carpets

If you don’t want to take the risk, here are some great alternatives to use instead:

Vinegar And Water

Perhaps the best alternative to disinfect your carpet is Vinegar.

This natural alternative is a great way to clean and disinfect your carpets without harsh chemicals. White vinegar is a mild acid that’s tough on bacteria but gentle on carpet fibers.

To use it, just mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Lightly spray it on your carpet and blot with a clean cloth. 

And don’t worry about the vinegar smell – it’ll go away as the carpet dries.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Next up is hydrogen peroxide, another household staple that can work wonders on your carpet. 

It’s particularly good for light-colored carpets because it has a mild bleaching effect. Hydrogen peroxide is effective at killing bacteria and removing stains.

To use it safely, mix one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with one part water.

Clean Republic Multi-Purpose Disinfectant

If you’re more into grabbing something off the shelf, Clean Republic Multi-Purpose Disinfectant is a good choice.

It’s designed to be gentler than Lysol but still effective at killing germs and bacteria.

And it’s generally safe for fabrics and most carpet types.

But as always, it’s a good idea to spot test it on a small, hidden area first.

Steam Cleaning

Last but definitely not least, you can also steam clean the carpet.

Also check out our carpet cleaning services!

This method uses heat to clean and disinfect your carpets without any chemicals at all.

The super-hot steam swoops in, takes out bacteria, dust mites, and other icky stuff, while also lifting dirt and stains right out of your carpet fibers.

Steam cleaning is awesome for giving your whole carpet a deep clean. 

It’s especially great if you’ve got allergies.

How To Use Lysol On Carpet

Okay, if you’re dead set on using Lysol on your carpet (even though we’ve been talking about why it might not be the best idea), here’s how to do it with the least amount of risk:

  1. Mix two parts Lysol with one part warm water in a spray bottle.
  2. Test it out on a hidden spot and wait 15 minutes to see if anything weird happens.
  3. Give your carpet a light mist – don’t go overboard and soak it.
  4. Let the solution do its thing for about 30 minutes.
  5. Use clean water to wash out as much Lysol as you can.
  6. Make sure your carpet dries completely. Break out the fans or open some windows to get the air moving.

Just remember, even when it’s diluted, Lysol can still be rough on your carpet. 

Also Read: Deep Cleaning Carpet At Home

Use this method sparingly and at your own risk. It’s always safer to stick with carpet-specific cleaners or the alternatives we talked about earlier.

How To Remove Lysol Residue On Carpet

If you’ve already used Lysol and now you’re worried about residue (or if its already causing issues), here’s how to clean it:

  1. Get a non-oily, non-caustic spot removal solvent and apply it to a clean white cloth. Blot the area gently.
  2. Mix a tiny bit (1/4 teaspoon) of clear dish soap with a cup of warm water.
  3. Use this detergent solution on the area, blotting gently.
  4. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water.
  5. Put a thick stack of paper towels on the wet spot and weigh them down with something heavy.
  6. If you can still smell the solvent, repeat the soapy water steps.

Work from the outside of the stain towards the middle to avoid spreading it. And resist the urge to scrub – it can damage your carpet fibers. 

If the residue or smell sticks around after all this, it might be time to call in the pros.

Bottom Line

There you have it – the lowdown on using Lysol on carpets. 

You can spray it if you don’t mind the risks, but there are definitely safer ways to keep your carpets clean and germ-free.

Whatever you choose, just remember to take care of those carpets – they put up with a lot!

4 Important Upholstery Cleaning Tips From Pros

Upholstery furniture is the main attribute of any home. Maintaining your upholstery can be very hard and tricky. No matter how much care you take, the dirt and spills will find a way to enter your carpet. As we all know upholstered furniture lasts for a longer time if maintained properly.

Professional cleaning can help you anytime you need it. They are always helpful in these kinds of conditions. Here are some tips from pros, which will show us how to clean your upholstery.

4 Amazing Upholstery Cleaning Tips From Pros

⇒ Vacuum Regularly

Vacuum Regularly

If you are trying to be serious in upholstery cleaning you need to vacuum your upholstery once or twice a week to prevent dirt and germs on large scales. If you allow grime and other stains on your furniture for too long, they may sink deeper into the upholstery fibers, becoming harsh and perhaps damaging them.

It’s hard to maintain but if you continue doing it for some time it would technically extend your upholstery’s life span for a minimum of 3 to 5 years.

⇒ Clean According To Care Label

Sofa Care Lable

As many people know there are care labels in every upholstery to determine what type of cleaning services can be used. It will have a code written like W, S, or X.

Where W means it can be washed with water, S means it can be only washed in solvent-based solutions, and “W, S” means it can be used with both water and solvents, and if “X” it can be only washed with a vacuum.

When using a washing product on your furniture for the first time, test a small patch in an unnoticed area to ensure that it is not straining or hurting your furniture.

⇒ Clean Spills Immediately

Spill On Sofa

If you see any spill on your upholstery furniture, you need to be quick for cleaning before the spills enter deep into your fabric. Try to use a clean dry cloth to remove the spill. Use your cloth to blot up the spill and soak as much liquid as possible. Do not rub the spill or it will just cause the liquid to sink deeper into the upholstery.

Try as gentle as you can be while rubbing the stain into the fabrics or it will go deep inside the fabric if you press much harder. You could also try vacuuming up any leaks to remove the material without pressing it in.

⇒ Use Moisture Abundantly

When cleaning your upholstery, it’s crucial to avoid using too many moist household chemicals. Use the smallest quantity possible to remove the stain, and allow plenty of time for it to dry completely. If you use extra cleaner than required, it may end up being soaked by furniture paddings and can be used as a breeding ground for bacteria.

A smart decision is to spray a small amount of cleaner over the furniture and then blot it up with a clean towel right away, ensuring that hardly any of the cleaners soak in.

Why Upholstery Cleaning By Professionals Is Necessary?

There are several benefits of upholstery cleaning. Here are some best reasons why it’s necessary.

  • Better Air Quality
  • Good Health
  • No Lingering Odors
  • Longer Life For Furniture
  • Changes The Appearance Of Any House
  • More Durability

These benefits or reasons give you the best idea about why upholstery cleaning is really important. If you by any chance are thinking of hiring professionals then you should take the chance and hire them. They are well-trained and are always available for any emergencies.

Professionals are always trained to fulfill all demands made by clients in all conditions. You can also call them to schedule your cleaning or ask for a free quote on your property.

How To Keep Your Upholstery Clean?

We all have an idea that the sooner we treat the stain, the better our chances of removing it. If you clean them right on the spot you might be able to do it with simple blotting with a clean cloth. If not it can be a huge problem, DIY can be hard and time-consuming.

Professionals should be hired to make these works easy for you and your family members. They change the appearance and extend the life of your upholstery with their experience.

Here Are Some Tips On How To Keep Your Upholstery Clean In The Future. 

⇒ Choose The Right Fabric

If you use the proper fabric in the right area, your upholstery care will be a pleasure. Furthermore, selecting fabric that is suited for your lifestyle and the upholstered piece might help to extend the life of the furniture.

⇒ Clean Upholstery According To Codes 

Referring to the cleaning codes given by the manufacturer is the best way to clean your upholstery. If it has “W” written on it, it’s okay to use water on the upholstery materials. If written “S”, means to use only non-water-based solutions, such as alcohol.

“s/w” means you can use either solvents or water for your cleaning processes and lastly if written “X” you can use neither water nor any other solvent.

⇒ Use Water As Low As Possible

Many people think that using more water means more cleaning which is not true, more water means more grounds for bacteria and mold to grow, which can make the surroundings full of mold and can be harmful to family members and pets.

Try to use new solutions available in the market they can clear most of the stains easily, if then also you are using water-based solvents try to use as low as possible.

⇒ Remove Pet Hair From The Upholstery 

If trying to remove the pet hair from the upholstery, put on some rubber gloves and rub them over the upholstery. The gloves create static, which pulls the material to the upper surface, where it can be easily vacuumed away.

Spray the solution on the furniture and use a cloth to wipe away the hair. Furniture brushes and pet hair hand vacuums are two other useful instruments for cleaning fur from upholstery.

⇒ Prevent Stains On Upholstered Furniture

To prevent stains on upholstered furniture penetrate a fabric protector to repel any liquid or solid types of stain. It can also be reapplied again in 3 to 4 years if you think you need to retain the fighting power of protectors. If the manufacturer has provided the protector before, ask them how long it will last. Maintaining your carpets is the best way to maximize the lifespan of your carpet.

Why Upholstery Cleaning Is Necessary?

Many people advise not to take professional cleaning as they are expensive and take a longer time. That’s not true here are some simple reasons to know why upholstery cleaning is important in any home.

  • Air Quality
  • Health
  • Odors
  • Long Life For Furniture
  • Changes the appearance
  • Durability

These are some amazing benefits of upholstery cleaning. If you are thinking to hire a professional upholstery cleaning service this might be the best chance to check if they are good or not. They are well trained to perform all activities thoroughly and are ready to provide satisfactory services to all our clients.

How Do I Stop My House Smelling Of Dog?

Dogs are man’s best friends, which goes without a doubt. They are adorable little fluff balls that fill your lives with happiness. While they’re merry creatures, their odor is not. It often happens that their smell lingers around the house no matter how much you clean.

You may look for pet accidents around the house to see if the odor emanates. But, at times, it gets trapped in inconspicuous places. And it is difficult to get rid of the smell. How do I stop my house from smelling of dogs might be a persistent question to you.

Read about some ways to get rid of dog smell in this blog post.

Ways On How Do I Stop My House Smelling Of Dog?

↪ Wash Your Dog’s Bed 

A dog’s bed should be easily the most smelly place. It traps saliva, pet dander, and dirt. Most of the beds come with a slip-on cover. As for the rest of the bed, you can vacuum it.

Remove the bed cover and put it in the washing machine. Vacuum the bed twice a week. Sprinkle generous amounts of baking soda over it. Let that sit overnight. Vacuum it afterward. If the bed is washable, toss it in the laundry twice a week. Else, try to steam clean it. Steam is an effective tool to kill allergens and germs.

↪ Vacuum Everything

Your dog roams around everywhere in the house. As a result, you can find pet dander, dirt, hair, and paw prints on just about everything. Vacuum the floors, carpets, and rugs every day. Sprinkle baking soda in places where your pet spends most of its time.

Baking soda is pet friendly and harmless. It is an excellent odor-neutralizer. Let the soda stay in place overnight. Vacuum up afterward. Try and vacuum all the things you can- pillows, mats, couches, furniture, drapes, curtains. Also, change the vacuum filters from time to time. It is the most efficient and easy technique to remove pet dander and hair that causes odor.

↪ Get Air Purifiers  

Air purifiers cut down odors and allergens in the house. They filter out airborne particles, which are often the cause of a foul smell. Ensure that you use a HEPA filter. It is known to remove maximum particulates and even microscopic irritants in the air.

Change your filters regularly. When you take out a filter after long, it should have a dusty coat. Carefully put it in a garbage bag. It will ensure the dust does not spread in the house. Replace the filters every two months.

↪ Steam Clean The Carpets

Steam cleaning is an effective way to deal with pet odors. Steam is a natural disinfectant and odor neutralizer. Clear your carpet of all the objects. Put your dog away before you begin steam cleaning. Always use a pet-friendly carpet cleaning agent that goes well with the steam cleaner machine.

Start by vacuuming the carpet thoroughly. Slightly wet the carpeting and spritz the cleaning solution. Set up your steam cleaning machine. Work in small sections, overlapping each patch with equal strokes. Allow the carpet to dry completely before allowing the dog on it.

Steam cleaning eliminates odors and also kills any allergens and bacteria lurking inside. Overall, it is a good option for you and your pet’s well-being. If you do not have a steam cleaner at home, rent one or hire steam cleaning services.

↪ Wash The Linens

Any fabric your pet lounges on can develop a dog smell. It is a good idea to send it through a wash cycle often. Use a good-quality laundry detergent that is safe for your pets. Try and use hot water to wash the linens whenever possible.

Takedown all the washable things- curtains, drapes, pillow covers, bedsheets, mats, throw blankets, etc. Run them on the appropriate cycle as per the fabric material. This set includes your clothing because your dog lives near you all the time. Allow it to dry completely, preferably in the sunlight, as it kills additional germs.

↪ Introduce Pleasant Scents

You might have cleaned the entire house meticulously, but it smells like a dog. Sometimes, masking an irritating smell helps as well. Use scented candles and air fresheners in the home. Ensure to use mild fragrances that are pet-friendly.

Alternatively, you can add pet-safe indoor plants. Plants remove 87% of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) from the air every 24 hours. Although it might not directly remove pet odors, it helps to keep your indoor air pure. It, in turn, reduces lingering dog smells in your house.

↪ Let In Fresh Air

Nothing beats a fresh draft of air through a window. It works well when it comes to dog smells. Open doors and windows as much as you can. It can be expensive to do this in the middle of summer or winter. Thus, try to schedule your house cleaning in mild weather. That is when you can open the doors and windows fully.

Alternatively, to enable air circulation, turn on the ceiling fans. Even turn on the fan in your HVAC system. It facilitates to spread of the odor-causing molecules around.

↪ Bath Your Dog Daily

Last but not least- bathe your dog often. Your dog runs around the lawns, playgrounds, and all around the home. During the day, it picks up all kinds of germs and dirt. Make it a routine to bathe the dog with good-quality pet shampoo and conditioner. Groom its coat and rake it to remove falling hair.

Check its paws, nails, teeth, and ears regularly. Sometimes, a dog might be clean and yet smell odd. The reason might be a hidden ailment. Take your dog to the vet if it smells weird, even after bathing it frequently. Make sure to dry your dog totally before letting it loose.

The Bottom Line 

Dogs are adorable furry friends that fill our lives with happiness. As much as we love them, we hate their lingering smell. To prevent your house from smelling like dogs, you need to clean it regularly. Follow the above tips to maintain hygiene and a dog-odor-free environment at home. Or You can call a professional pet odor removal Service.

Keeping track of your dog’s health is equally important. It does not always smell due to its outdoor activities. Sometimes, a foul dog smell can indicate an underlying health issue. Visit the vet for routine checkups and vaccination. Keep the dog toys, leash, and collar clean. Also, make sure it has a healthy diet to keep its health in proper shape.

5 Benefits of Hiring Area Rug Cleaning Company

Rugs are a worthy investment for the interior appearance of your home. They surely improve the aesthetics of your place. There are different types of rugs available in the market, with different colors, designs, materials, and textures.

But bringing a new and shiny rug to your house does not get your job done. You have to regularly clean and maintain it to keep its shine for a long time. Now, you might be thinking about vacuuming and other day-to-day cleaning activities. Regular vacuuming is beneficial for your rug, but it is not enough.

Your rug contains an enormous amount of soil and grime particles that are not visible to us. Also, it faces spills of coffee, tea, and other food and drinks, which can cause staining and a musty odor. These soil particles, stains, and smells are not easy to remove. Professional rug cleaning is necessary for the same.

With their expertise and knowledge in the field, professionals can easily remove the grime and stains on the rug.

Here Are The Top Benefits Of Hiring Area Rug Cleaning Company.

⇒ Maintain A Healthy Environment

As told earlier, you might think all the allergens lurking on your rug get eliminated with regular vacuuming. But, these allergens are trapped deep inside the rug fibers, which results in allergies, breathing problems, and other health issues.

They also decrease the quality of air. Professional rug cleaners use hot water extraction methods that kill the allergens and effectively remove them out of your rug fibers, providing you with a healthy home.

⇒ Improve The Rug Life

The continuous use of your rug and high traffic leads it to wear and tear, and it is unavoidable. The soil particles present deep inside the rug fiber cause the wear very rapidly, and it requires replacement within a short period.

With professional cleaning, you can reduce the wear and extend the life of your rug. They extract all the soil and dust particles out of your rug fibers and improve your rug’s life.

⇒ Effective Deep Cleaning

With DIY cleaning, you can not get the cleaning effect like the professional cleaning; because the cleaning solutions and equipment used by professional cleaners are way more efficient.

Using the correct cleaning methods, they provide a deeper cleaning to your rug without causing any damage to it. On the other hand, the cleaning solutions you use can be harmful to your rug fibers. It makes professional cleaning beneficial for your rug.

⇒ Removes Stains & Odor

Many things keep spilling on your rug. Also, your pets urinate on the rugs sometimes. All these things not only make the rug dirty but also leave stains and a musty odor behind. Some of these are easy to remove, while others are not.

Professional rug cleaners assure about stain removal. With years of experience and expertise, they remove all kinds of stains on your rug, eliminating the odor. They also use deodorizers for a fresh smell.

⇒ Saves Time & Energy 

Cleaning a rug is a time and energy-consuming task, especially when you do it yourself. Due to a lack of correct equipment and knowledge of cleaning, it can consume your lots of time. Maybe you need to invest your whole day in it.

Another benefit of hiring professional cleaners is they get the job done in minimum time. They also use high-power dryers to dry your rug rapidly so you can use it as early as possible.

Wrapping Up

These are the top benefits of hiring area rug cleaning company. Even though you can clean your rugs yourself, it is a hard-working task, and if you do not have the right equipment and cleaning chemicals that the professionals do, the results will never be as good and maybe the worst. Professionals clean rugs daily and can do the job far quicker and better than you, so why do it yourself? Hire professional area rug cleaners now.

Area Rug Cleaning: The Process!

A beautiful touch of color, design, and substance perks up any room with an area rug. But how is it supposed to be kept clean? Meal spills, pet paws, and foot movement may rapidly gather dust, filth, and debris on a carpet.

Having such a household object comes with a certain amount of obligation. Area Rug cleaning is something that each rug owner should know. Of course, the process will differ based on the kind of rug. If the carpet is vintage, Persian, or Oriental — which are more delicate – hire an expert to prevent loss.

It is critical to get your rugs done professionally every 18 to 24 months. A professional area rug cleaner will eliminate dirt and grime, revitalize colors, and eventually give it a thorough clean. Area rug cleaning service professionals focus on tailoring the cleaning strategy to the rug’s specific needs. It lets them address specific stains, if any, on the area rugs.

The Area Rug Cleaning Process  

↠ Inspection 

Inspection Of Rug

The rug expert will examine both the top and backside of your rug, snap pictures, and record any repairs or special attention needed. The examination will involve a discussion with you about the area rug.

Details include where it comes from, how much use it receives in your house, and any queries or concerns you have. Professional area rug cleaning technicians also look out for rips, stain marks, or damage. It is essential so that the rug does not get damaged during the cleaning process.

↠ Vacuuming 

Vacuuming Rug

The technicians vacuum the area rug to remove loose dirt or dust following the examination. Much of the pet dander, hair, and grit get eliminated during this phase. The specialists will also assist you in carefully moving any lightweight objects from the carpeting.

Usually, area rug cleaning services use commercial-grade vacuum cleaners. These are heavy-duty and capable of capturing the maximum amount of dust and soil.

↠ Spot Treatment 

Technicians begin the rug cleaning process by addressing any areas that require additional care. To maximize the odds of removal, any specifically tough spots would be pre-treated with specific solutions. The border is also pre-treated to remove as much soil as possible.

Applying spot treatment solutions beforehand lets them work on the stain particles. The cleaning solution remains on the rug for a set period. It then lifts the stain out of the rug fibers. It then gets easy to remove while scrubbing. Area rug cleaners decide on the spot treatment agent based on the rug type.

↠ Apply Rug Shampoo 

Rug Shampoo

First, the technicians will saturate the rug with water. Following it, they pour the shampoo as directed. They brush the area rug firmly with a brush, scrubbing it until it gets coated in froth or foam. During scrubbing, they pay special attention to soiled or very filthy spots. Professional area rug cleaners brush the dirty areas with concentrated detergent to allow faster dirt removal.

↠ Hot Water Extraction 

Hot Water Extraction

Then, specialists deep clean using specialized rug cleaning machines. This machine injects hot water throughout the area rug to dissolve any dirt deep inside the fibers. It then removes the water and grime.

The rug cleaning machine’s strong vacuum eliminates a substantial volume of water, allowing the rug to dry fast. Rug cleaning services also use powerful truck-mounted machinery to steam clean. These devices create a powerful vacuum force that extracts deeply set grime.

↠ Drying 

Drying Rug

Lastly, the area rugs are put to air dry. The technicians may ask you to open doors and windows during this phase. They also use industrial air movers and fans to facilitate faster drying.

Else, you might let the area rug dry outdoors if the weather is sunny. It should take a couple of hours before you can use it again.

↠ Grooming 

Grooming Rug

The area rug cleaners groom the rug once it is dry enough. They set the nap and align the fringes by hand. It allows for detangling any fibers which might have got tangled during cleaning. Also, they detangle the frills. It leaves your rugs ready to use again while appearing spotless and fresh.

Can I Clean An Area Rug Myself?

Cleaning your area rug is a simple task that you can complete manually. Unless your area rug is exceptionally fragile (for instance, a vintage, Persian rug, or ethnic rug), there’s no reason to contact expert rug cleaners for the job.

The frequency with which you must wash your area rug depends on its location. Rugs placed in high-traffic locations will require extra cleaning. However, a general rule of thumb is to wait till the area rug is unclean before deep cleaning it.

To clean the rug yourself, vacuum it from both sides. Then, apply a rug shampoo and agitate the fibers thoroughly. Post that, rinse it under a garden hose to rid of the dirt and grime.

Why Vacuum Before Carpet Cleaning Is Important?

The only thing recommended for the first stage of carpet cleaning is vacuuming. Vacuuming it first before washing it helps eliminate all the particles that could cause problems while cleaning the carpet thoroughly. Before beginning to clean the carpet with any process, it should be thoroughly vacuumed using an ordinary household vacuum cleaner.

DIY after just vacuuming your carpet can be a tough task. As most homeowners do not have any experience in cleaning and making solutions, it can be tough for professionals to remove. Professionals with experience in any kind of emergency can overcome this difficulty.

There are various advantages to vacuuming your carpet first before beginning the actual carpet cleaning procedure. Your home’s cleanliness is preserved by the thorough cleaning process. Ever wondered why vacuuming before carpet cleaning is important? Here are some reasons that show why it’s important.

Reasons Why Vacuum Before Carpet Cleaning Is Important

Yes, it can be beneficial in many ways. Here are some reasons which prove why vacuuming before cleaning is necessary.

  • Firstly, it helps to provide a great smell and the decent appearance required for any normal home. Trying to wash the carpet without vacuuming will result in more dirty water and waste. As it is the best-tipped tool and most used cleaning equipment for this process. 
  • Proper sanitization is the fundamental core of any household. After removing all the dirt by vacuuming the carpet, cleaning would be much easier and more efficient. It grants more benefits to all the family members and pets.
  • Maintaining the good condition of your carpet can result in extending the lifespan of your carpet. Homeowners with less traffic are advised to vacuum their carpets once a week. If you have pets and more traffic, then you need to vacuum 3 to 4 times a week. This is a good option.
  • To avoid any black marks through the hose, apply a good quality painter’s tape to make it durable. It can be easily removed, and it doesn’t leave any markings when you apply it. Discuss with your technician how to put painter’s tape around the house before starting the process.
  • Keeping small children and pets away from the cleaning area is a safe option. Pets cannot stand the noise and are often afraid of the machines; maybe they can get tangled in the machine’s wires. Check that they are in the other room and are perfectly safe.
  • Ask the technician if they include furniture moving or not. If not, they will only clean the areas that are free and won’t move the furniture. There is no need to do anything else if it is included in the services; they will pick up the furniture regardless of how heavy it is and fulfill all requirements.

Instead Of DIY Use Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

As we all know, cleaning your home carpet is very essential and has different advantages, but using professional cleaning services can be more beneficial. Here are some benefits you need to know

↠ Improving The Air Index Of Your House

You can try as much as you want. Cleaning your carpet can take more manpower and time. As professionals have green cleaning solutions that help to make our surroundings natural and germ-free.

Makes Your Carpet Appearance Better

You can vacuum or clean the carpet any time you like, but it won’t be as clean as professionals. Expert cleaners can certainly improve not just the appearance of your carpet but also the entire aesthetic appearance of your home.

↠ Removes Unpleasant And Lingering Smell

As germs and bacteria are present inside the carpet, they release unpleasant odors around the house. If you have pets at home, the odor will cause more damage. With their in-depth steam cleaning processes, they can easily remove all kinds of odors.

↠ Get Rid Of All Stubborn Stains

Stains like blood, ketchup, coffee, soda, paint, vomit, etc. are very hard to eradicate. Blotting them harshly will make them go even deeper and it will be hard to remove. Companies providing these services have the right methods to eradicate these spots. The hot extraction method helps to remove all these stains in a very efficient way.

If you are also planning to hire a professional carpet cleaning service for your home, it might be a great idea. With industry tools and techniques, they provide 100% satisfactory services to all the clients.

How Does Upholstery Steam Cleaning Benefits You?

Your couch is one of the most significant purchases. It only stands to reason that you would put the same level of expert care into your furnishings and fabric. It got to be the same as you put into keeping your other furniture in good shape. Thus, you need to get upholstery steam cleaning.

Furnishings upholstery can remain for a long time if properly maintained. Your upholstery is typically the focal point of your home’s interior design concept. Thus, if it isn’t in good shape, your house can appear shabby. It might have an impact on your standard of life as well as the value of your apartment. You must engage in upholstery steam cleaning regularly. Learn here about the benefits of the same.

Benefits of Upholstery Steam Cleaning 

↣ Chemical-Free Cleaning

Steam cleaning is an environmentally safe alternative to using chemicals to keep our furniture clean. As opposed to alternative conventional cleaning methods, steam cleaning utilizes far lesser chemicals because it is mostly water.

Steam cleaning is not only healthy for you and the family, but it is also environmentally benign. It lowers the number of pollutants flushed down the sewer and returned to our groundwater. Cleaning your upholstery with steam is a superior method for the earth. Hence, hire an upholstery steam cleaning service to go green with cleaning.

↣ Safe & Eco-friendly

Steam cleaning is a simple method of cleaning that does not require the use of toxic agents or harsh solutions. As a result, it is more environmentally friendly than other methods. It is also safer for everybody in the house. It will not cause allergic reactions or release toxic substances that might harm humans, puppies, or potted plants.

Traditional upholstery cleaners operate by soaking detergent into the fibers and sucking it up. With a steam cleaner, this method is not viable. Instead, it makes use of high-temperature steam. More people using steam cleaning for upholstery will help avoid common pollutants like peroxide and ammonia from seeping into the surrounding ecosystem.

Investing less in commercial cleaning solutions may also assist in limiting the need for hazardous substances that affect our environment. Thus, it is beneficial to have a professional steam cleaning for the upholstery.

↣ Kill germs and mold

Upholstery typically contains termites, mold spores, and other germs. Although frequent upholstery cleaning can help lessen the danger, one should not neglect their presence.

The primary cleaning option for upholstery steam cleaning would be very high-temperature vapor. Steam cleaning removes all bacteria, eggs, mold, and other contaminants. Eliminating these allergies will decrease potential health risks. Professional upholstery cleaning technicians know the precise methods which leave your furniture disinfected.

↣ Saves Money

There will never be a time when you have to choose between different upholstery cleaners. When you get an upholstery steam cleaning, you’ll have one powerful cleaning and sanitizing instrument to handle all of your furniture. So, what are your plans with all that extra cash and space? Get a professional upholstery cleaning service to save money and effort while getting clean furniture.

↣ Eliminates Pet Odors

Your apartment doesn’t need to smell bad because you own pets. Pets are bound to lay down on the upholstery. They leave behind dander and paw prints, with pet accidents at times. These elements combine to make your upholstery a haven from dirt and germs.

Steam can remove a lot of undesirable pet scents in your home. Also, it can make your pet happy and comfortable by destroying flea, their nests, or even the larva. Why compromise for tidy if you can have it all: fresh, fit, pleasant, and eco-friendly? If you’ve not explored professional steam cleaning to maintain your upholstery clean and tidy, now is the moment.

Is steam cleaning good for upholstery?

You may clean furniture using a steam cleaner without harsh disinfectants, cleaning agents, or substances. You can disinfect and deodorize even the most difficult-to-reach nooks and corners of furniture pieces with small portable steamers or larger machines with extendable cords and adapters.

Steam cleaners are functional for cleaning tasks at either the house or the office. If you have to launder fragile upholstery, textile furnishings, or even disinfect your bedding, a steam cleaner is perhaps the most valuable housekeeping device you’ll ever own.

Steam cleaning eliminates spots and filth, disinfects objects, and eliminates allergies. In addition, germs, mildew, fleas, infectious agents, dander, and several other microorganisms are all killed by steam therapy!